15 Dec

The Democratic Labour Party of SA is disgusted to learn that Police Commissioner Grant Stevens and Premier Steven Marshall are reportedly considering incentives for businesses that choose to adopt mandatory vaccination policies for employees and patrons.

An InDaily report today said that Stevens suggested different restrictions in place for venues that do not have double vaccination policies once South Australia reaches a 90% double vaccinated rate.

“One thing we do believe that will come out of our discussions is a distinction between the venues that are vaccinated and those that choose to operate unvaccinated,” Stevens said.

“We’re just working through the detail of that at the moment.”

Premier Steven Marshall said the State Government would give operators “the choice to be a vaccinated venue or an unvaccinated venue”.

“There will be a differential between those two in terms of the restrictions,” Marshall told reporters today.

“Some venues will be able to have fully vaccinated events one day and an unvaccinated event the next day.

“There will be a little bit of complexity with regards to this.”

Stevens, asked whether there would be an incentive for businesses to only allow entry to vaccinated patrons, said: “I think there will be an incentive for people to get vaccinated if they want to fully participate in all of the sorts of activities that we normally enjoy.”

As a party that stands for freedom of conscience and freedom of movement, the DLP deplores this further attack on the freedom to choose whether or not to vaccinate. We believe that where there is risk, there must be a choice.

In addition, this proposed change would punish freedom-loving enterprises that choose not to discriminate against their staff and customers, as additional freedoms (such as greater capacity) would only apply to segregating venues. This represents an attack on the economic freedom of these businesses.

If you stand with us for freedom, please don't hesitate to sign our petition against mandatory vaccinations today to send a strong message to Premier Marshall that this nonsense must stop. It is time to restore the freedoms of movement, medical choice and equal economic opportunities to the people of South Australia. 

Head to https://www.dlpsouthaustralia.org/say-no-to-mandatory-vaccines to fight for your freedom.

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