11 Nov

Recently Australian citizens have experienced constant pressure to be vaccinated with one of the COVID-19 vaccinations. This pressure has come from their State and Federal governments as well as many employers and other organisations. 

Some, like the Victorian state government, have resorted to threats of exclusion from social activity or even loss of jobs if people exercise their right not to be vaccinated. The DLP does not for one minute suggest people should not be vaccinated, that is their right, but we do object strenuously to a blatant abuse of power by governments and employers when they appear to suggest that all Australians are legally obliged to receive one of the vaccinations currently being provided by the government. 

No one can order an Australian citizen to be vaccinated against their will; and no one has the right to use threatening, coercive or deceptive language in order to have someone accept vaccination. 

At the moment social media is being bombarded with pro-vaccination and anti-vaccination material. The DLP is not interested in joining that debate, nor should we as we are not medical experts. What the DLP will do is to defend the rights of Australians against authoritarian attacks on the legal rights we enjoy and for which so many gave their lives.

Many in the DLP have willingly received vaccinations while many others have decided not to receive the vaccination and to instead follow a different path, whether that be through alternative therapies, personal protection or other ways. It is not our role to tell any of our members which path to take for their personal health and wellbeing. Rather we defend the rights of all and respect the decisions of all.

We urge all Australians to respect the decisions of their fellow citizens whether that be to be vaccinated or not. We also urge all Australians to follow prudent medical advice and practice safe and hygienic behaviour.

After the Coronavirus has disappeared, or been contained, there will be an inquiry, hopefully a Royal Commission, into the behaviour of state and federal governments and their departments. This is normal after events of this magnitude. The DLP encourages all Australians to participate actively in any future inquiry to ensure our rights are never eroded in this manner again and that the truth of government and employer activities is revealed for this and future generations.  

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